How long does office for mac save temp files
How long does office for mac save temp files

how long does office for mac save temp files
  1. How long does office for mac save temp files how to#
  2. How long does office for mac save temp files pdf#
  3. How long does office for mac save temp files pro#

TL DR: If you have a large document with a lot of images, you will need to make sure that all the images have been loaded before saving the document to PDF. Hopefully it works for some of you as well though. Maybe I got lucky and that really wasn't the fix. I frankly don't know how that could be, but what I ended up doing was clicking on settings and foundĪ button to delete the upload cache. There I found two of my attempts with the message that the path of those files could not be found. So, what I did was went to the Office 2016 Upload Center. Try CHH's fix because, while I like it and I believe it works, I wanted to get to the root on my machine. It didn't seem that patches and repairs were working for people, so I didn't try that.

how long does office for mac save temp files

It did however, have textboxes associated with a large table. My file is not large, nor did it have images. Mine was 'Export Failed for unknown reason'. I've seen several different errors on this thread. Today, I started with the same problem as the rest of you. During that time, I was not having this problem. I've been following this thread for a little while. I'll be happy to send you another file that fails on my system if you ask for it. Office 2016 and you really don't seem to care.

how long does office for mac save temp files

For what is supposed to be a rock solid, mature platform and word processor application, I've had nothing but trouble since W10 and I submitted a problem file to an email in one of these threads a week ago but no one bothered to respond. Message to MS: Please figure out what is wrong with the way that Word 2016 running under W10 (all latest versions) handles DOCX file formats differently than older formats and you'll have a more reasonable answer for your customers than my workaroundĪbove. As soon as I saved the file in the old 2003 word format, all of the problems went away. The real issue is the use of the native DOCX file format on certain files (in my case all files) in Word 2016.

How long does office for mac save temp files pdf#

In my case, the Save As gave an 'Export Failed for unknown reason', the Create PDF from Nitro 9 or 10 gave a 'No creation process'Įrror and the Print to Nitro approach gave an 'insufficient memory or disk space error' All of that was smoke and mirrors. I got to the bottom of the failure of the capability to generate pdf files from certain Word files today.

How long does office for mac save temp files how to#

If somebody advices me how to solve the issue keeping the docx original, I will be very happy. By the way, file is not big: just 27 pages, rich of photos, 6MB total. And today it's first time I save a file in PDF from DOCX. I have recently changed to Office 2016 from Office 2010.

How long does office for mac save temp files pro#

Notice I have latest Acrobat suite XI Pro installed, and Windows 7 Ultimate.Ģ) open folder, click right button, click on the docx file name with "Convert to Adobe PDF"ģ) it start working, then calls (aftee a few seconds) the WORD 2016, works and.Ĥ) exits for "insufficient memory" (I have 8GB on my system).ĥ) resulting PDF is good but of course truncatedĢ) save it as DOC (Word 2003) > that's due to installed Acrobat XI Pro? I have exactly the same issue and same time constraints to send a PDF.

How long does office for mac save temp files